Broadening Public Participation and Community Engagement
We're committed to making it easier for the public to share their needs, knowledge, and lived experiences to improve how government works for and with them.
Guidance from the Office of Management and Budget will help Federal agencies do just that.
Transforming how government engages the public
Every day, Federal agencies work on policies and programs that touch millions of lives—whether by helping people become homeowners, delivering benefits for veterans, or investing in infrastructure. A critical part of designing effective policies and programs is hearing from those who would be affected by them. Agencies do this through activities like notice and comment processes, focus groups, surveys, and user research.
Based on robust feedback from the public, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is excited to share policy guidance for Federal agencies on improving public participation and community engagement. OMB is also developing a toolkit to iteratively centralize materials to help agencies more meaningfully engage the public in the work of government.
Government works best when it’s built by and with the people. Thank you for sharing your feedback to help agencies involve the public in ways that better meet community and agency needs, interests, and priorities.
Hearing from the public
Throughout 2024, the Federal Government asked the American people for their ideas via written comments and listening sessions. Hundreds of participants from across sectors provided thoughtful input—all of which informed the guidance and other resources. The public shared about:
The EXPERIENCES of people and groups with participation in engagement activities conducted by Federal agencies to inform the work of government.
The kind of CONTENT to include in the guidance and a toolkit to help agencies strengthen their participation and engagement activities.
How OMB might continue a collaborative PROCESS to develop these materials with the public and agencies.